Friday, October 22, 2010

Modern Wave Chaise Multimedia Concept Brings Entertainment Home

The Wave Chaise in the images below is a perfect piece of modern furniture for a teenager's room, but not only. I can definitely see the bigger picture here, as the Wave Chaise could be the home entertainment oasis you have been dreaming about for so long. The Wave Chaise would perfectly fit into a smaller apartment thus converting a corner of it
into the home theater setup you always wanted. The Wave Chaise looks great, has plenty of storage space for your multimedia and books, comes with plenty of built-in gadgets, it's ergonomic and comfortable, and, I must say this again, is more than pleasant to the eye. Designed by Roberta Ramme, the Wave Chaise is definitely something to consider, both by furniture manufacturers and by prospective customers. Via Designboom
Wave Chaise 2.jpg

Wave Chaise 3.jpg