Saturday, December 18, 2010

UNStudio / Ben van Berkel’s design chosen for the Singapore University of Technology and Design

UNStudio/Ben van Berkel
Post By:Kitticoon Poopong
Image © Courtesy of UNStudio
The world-renowned architect UNStudio / Ben van Berkel’s design has been selected from a shortlist of five practices to design Plot A of the SUTD (Singapore University of Technology and Design) campus.
"The main aim of the design for the Singapore University of Technology and Design was to create a campus that celebrates both teaching and learning in an open and transparent way. The network of horizontal, vertical and diagonal vistas within the double quadrant organisation of the campus enables professors, students and faculty members to see, meet and communicate with each other through a network of crossing points, presenting opportunities for continuous interaction and exchange."
Ben van Berkel
Image © Courtesy of UNStudio
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Located on a site of 76,846 m2 and close to both Changi airport – Singapore’s principal airport – and the Changi Business Park, the SUTD will be Singapore’s fourth and most prestigious university.
The Singapore University of Technology and Design will offer four key academic pillars: Architecture and Sustainable Design (ASD), Engineering Product Development (EPD), Engineering Systems and Design (ESD) and Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD). The SUTD will be a driver of technological innovation and economic growth, with the new campus acting as both a catalyst and a conveyor for advancement, bringing together people, ideas and innovation.
Image © Courtesy of UNStudio
Celebrating teaching and learning
UNStudio’s design for the new campus directly reflects SUTD’s curriculum, using the creative enterprise of the school to facilitate a cross-disciplinary interface; interaction is established between the professional world, the campus, and the community at large. The design for the campus offers an opportunity to embrace innovation and creativity through a non-linear connective relationship between students, faculty, professionals and the spaces they interact with.
Image © Courtesy of UNStudio
Sustainable learning – Seeing the future of design as shaped by an activating, transparent, connective environment
The New SUTD campus will facilitate cross-disciplinary interaction between all four pillars of academia. The orientation and organisation of the campus is designed through two main axes; the living and learning spines which overlap to create a central point, binding together all corners of the SUTD. These thoroughfares create a 24/7 campus of seamless connectivity, enhancing direct interaction through both proximity and transparency. In turn, an open forum of learning is established by bringing professionals, alumni, students, and faculty together to interact both on an academic and a social level.
Image © Courtesy of UNStudio
The design for the SUTD campus aims to achieve the highest Green Mark rating (platinum) available in Singapore. Preliminary considerations in the design include building orientation and depth in relation to sun and wind exposure, along with the incorporation of maximum natural ventilation and daylight to all buildings.
Image © Courtesy of UNStudio
The people

Project: Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore, 2010
Client: The Singapore University of Technology and Design
Location: Singapore
Building surface: Phase I: 88,000 m2, Phase II 125,000 m2 Total : 213,000 m2
Building volume: Phase I: 422,400 m3: Phase II: 600,000 m3 Total : 1,022,400 m3
Building site: 76,846 m2
Programme: University Campus
Status: Competition

Design Architect: UNStudio
UNStudio team: Ben van Berkel, Caroline Bos, Astrid Piber with Christian Veddeler, Jordan Trachtenberg and Ren Horng Yee, Adi Utama, Jeff Johnson, Melissa Lui

Project architect: DP architects
DPA team: Chan Sui Him, Teoh Hai Pin, Jeremy Tan, Seah Chee Huang, Wykeith Ng, Liew Kok Fong, Wang Ying, Yeong Weng Fai, Jaye Tan.

Structural consultant: Arup Singapore Pte Ltd
Primary cost analysis: KPK Quantity Surveyors (Singapore) Pte Ltd