Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Social Housing in Milan : By StudioWOK

Milan, Italy
Post By:Kitticoon Poopong
Image © Courtesy of StudioWOK
Italian architects StudioWOK shared their social housing project for Milan, which received an honorable mention in the “AAAarchitetti cercasi 2010″.
This project aims to create a new place with a strong identity by giving it a strong urban character in a place morphologically dispersed. Although the new facility is designed as a strong element of identity in the urban landscape. at the same time, there is the desire to create strong links with the environment and new visual and functional connections with it. The surrounding city is read as a network of relationships and the new settlement wants to be an important hub of this system.
Image © Courtesy of StudioWOK
The open space plays a decisive role and is the connective tissue between the different places and the different functions that build the project. The ground floors of the buildings build spatial, visual and functional relations with the context.: they are interrupted to allow the court to be as permeable as possible to intercept the flows and paths that link the different collective functions.
Image © Courtesy of StudioWOK
The concept of the project is the study of a strategic link between public and private spaces and there is a strong attention paid to the relationship between public, private and common dimensions: the project wants to recreate the concept of “community-building”.
image © Courtesy of StudioWOK
All of the apartments have two views onto open spaces, one external and one into the courtyard. They are also developed along a passing living room that organizes the bedroom area and services. The apartments have a filter zone that performs a dual function: it provides protection and privacy with respect to the communal balcony and, at the same time, gives value and space for a chance encounter between neighbors.
model--drawing Courtesy of StudioWOK
A single structural rhythm orders the types of apartments that become more flexible and can easily be combined with each other. The different types are distributed unevenly ensuring that social “mixitè” which recreates the typical wealth of relations of a community and, in general, of a society.
site plan--drawing Courtesy of StudioWOK

ground floor plan--drawing Courtesy of StudioWOK

first level floor plan--drawing Courtesy of StudioWOK

second level floor plan--drawing Courtesy of StudioWOK
fifth level floor plan--drawing Courtesy of StudioWOK

types of apartments--drawing Courtesy of StudioWOK

sections--drawing Courtesy of StudioWOK

concept diagram A--drawing Courtesy of StudioWOK

concept diagram B--drawing Courtesy of StudioWOK

flexibility diagram--drawing Courtesy of StudioWOK

structural section--drawing Courtesy of StudioWOK
The people
Architects: StudioWOK
Location: Milan, Italy
Project Team: Marcello Bondavalli, Nicola Brenna, Carlo Alberto Tagliabue
Collaborators: Antonio Manzeni, Serena Di Giuliano, Valentina De Palo, Alessandro Cavarretta
Project Area: 18,000 sqm
Project Year: 2010
Photographs: Courtesy of StudioWOK